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The Gospel

What is the Gospel? Why is it such great news? This episode will help explain the Gospel with one simple sentence.


Three Baptisms?

There are three baptisms mentioned in the New Testament and most have been forgotten, which is why we’re not operating under the full stature of Christ.


The Greatest Weapon

What is the greatest weapon we have against the Devil? What was Jesus’ greatest strength? Tune in to find out.


Who's on your Throne?

Who's on your throne? Are you on the throne meant for God? Are godly things on the throne? Find out how to identify what's on your throne and how to get God on His proper place.

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Abide In Me

Abiding in Him is the key to our Christian walk. We need to deny ourselves pick up our cross and follow Him. You can do nothing apart from the Lord so me must abide in Him. The question is what does that look like?

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My Testimony

I went from being religious, agnostic, atheist, agonistic again to born again Christian praise the Lord. He saved me and called me back to Himself listen to the story as I explain my journey towards Him.

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Take Heart

The Lord has overcome and take heart because He is near.

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Taste and See

What was the last supper all about? How should we infuse it into our daily walk with Him?

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The First Born Blessings

Why does the first born get the blessing and what does that mean for us?

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The Invisible Enemy

There is an invisible enemy behind the scenes working in our lives and we don't even know it. Only the Lord can deliver us from this spiritual force that can take us off the path of righteousness.

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Turn and Seek Him

Turn to the Lord and hear Him speak. He loves you and wants only your attention on Him. He wants you to listen to Him and obey Him because He sees you for who you truly are. He has a purpose for you life in this dire times.

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Where are your eyes?

Are your eyes on the Lord or the things of the Lord? How do we get our eyes back on Him?

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January 2020