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Preparing the Saints
This is a Bible Study that will not be a teaching from the opinions, positions, commentaries of men, but rather from the Word of God itself. The goal is to seek Him through the Word of God. Our exhortation to you is to seek answers from the Word of God/Holy Spirit first, before submitting to the teachings of men. This study will prepare you to walk closer to Him by understanding what you've been called into, thus you will walk victoriously through the valley of the shadow of death as an overcomer.
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  1. Rebuilding the Walls with Debbie Simpson
  2. The Kingdom of God with Debbie Simpson
  3. Repentance with Debbie Simpson
  4. The Holy Spirit with Debbie Simpson
  5. Identity with Debbie Simpson
  6. Authority with Debbie Simpson
  7. Words with Debbie Simpson
  8. Healing with Debbie Simpson
  9. Spiritual Warfare with Debbie Simpson
  10. Spiritual Mindedness with Debbie Simpson

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